The Andean Community

Andean Jobs, for American business
If your target markets are Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and/or Bolivia,  visit

Valencia (Spain) – Bogota (Colombia) …Just an example

The Andean Community (Spanish: Comunidad Andina. CAN) 

1.- If Bolivia and Ecuador access Mercosur they will have to withdraw from CAN.
2.- The future of the CAN is not very encouraging, the same as MERCOSUR.

If we order members of CAN from higher GDP per capita to lower.






Peru. In last years the Peruvian economy has had a remarkable level of growth only comparable to China.

Population: 30.475.144 (40th). GDP per cápita: $11.403 (85th)
Colombia. Part of emerging CIVETS. Its GDP PPP also ranked fourth in Latin America behind Argentina, Mexico and Brazil.
Population: 46.366.364 (27th). GDP per cápita: $10.791 (86th)
Ecuador. The economy of Ecuador is the eighth in size and Latin America experienced an average growth of 4.6% between 2000 and 2006
 Population: 15.223.680 (65th). GDP per cápita: $10.055 (91th)
Bolivia. The main economic activities are mining and natural gas extraction
Population: 10.389.913 (83th). GDP per cápita: $5.099 (111th)Peru and Colombia belongs also to Pacific Alliance. 

Bolivia and Ecuador belongs to ALBA.

In Sylodium advertise for free your company or your Project at the intersection of cities that you want, for example to export to Bogota (Colombia) from Lima (Peru)

Or any city around the World.


1  Join us and advertise for free your business to be seen,

Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.

2  if you’d want to reach new business realities join us as Premium user to take advantage of our global Barter (transactions), segmentation Banner, and our 2 business networkings.

3 Propose us somebody to make money representing your country  related with the rest of the world.

Imagine you become our Sylodium’s representing in PERU, Search in Sylodium potential businesses in PERU. For example.


AD example, Pumpkin Seeds

Then, you can offer to this company the way to sell their products in PERU.

You can get much Money from your searching inside the Web, if you are looking for potential business matches for Premium Users and Free Users, finding out in Sylodium’s ads, referencing them in the Global Contest Forum, and contact them offering them intermediation via Sylodium.

The reasonable commission should be starting 2 % over the total amount.

From this percentage.

80% per you if you become administrator in PERU and 20 % for Sylodium.

We know that import export business, suppose some times big amounts of money.

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